::regarding Czars:
- Member Rules
- Workshift
- Grievances and Contestation
- Cooperation
- Rights and Rules
- Grievance Procedure
- Contestation Procedure
::regarding Council:
- Motions and Voting
- Council
- Organization
- Rights and Rules
- Motions
- Facilitator
- Voting Procedure
- Elections
- Votes of Confidence procedure
- Votes of Confidence Ballot
::regarding Procedures:
- Parties
- Room and Parking Assignments
- Organization
- Seniority Points
- Rights and Rules
- Room Bid Procedure
- Parking Bid Procedure
- Traditions
- CZ Disorientations
- C'zine
- Fornicating and Ubiquitously Cleaning
Krackistan (FUCK)
::regarding Jobs:
- Elected and Non-elected Positions
- Job Descriptions
- President
- House Manager
- Workshift Manager
- Food Manager
- Kitchen Manager
- Maintenance Manager
- Finance Manager
- Secretary
- Board Representative
- HI Coordinator
- Gardener
- Waste Reduction Coordinator
- Ethernet Manager
- Soda Manager
- Social Worker
- Health Worker
- Mail Manager
::regarding Other:
- Other